The Circle, and How close can you get to what you are Thinking?

The circle really is like a symbol.  It can represent infinity, never ending, eternal, But my favourite is, “The beginning is where the end is”.  Pick any point and the beginning can also be the ending.

But I think when one seeks the Truth of things, You might find when the Truth shows itself through perception: The ignorance at the beginning is somewhat like the end of being nothingness in the mind.  That is being centred with no conflict, no this and that, as all this and that needs to exists and is only observed and not processed.

In terms of physical reality, T.S. Eliot poem East Coker: we live we die.

The poem discusses time and disorder within nature that is the result of humanity following only science and not the divine. Leaders are described as materialistic and unable to understand reality. The only way for mankind to find salvation is through pursuing the divine by looking inwards and realizing that humanity is interconnected. Only then can people understand the universe.

The serpent and everything it encircles are part of the creative energy” of the universe.


In Sanskrit,Satyan nasti paro dharmah , which might also be translated as “Nothing is greater than truth.” 

So you look for “what is”.  Stay with the facts of observation.  A fact is an entity, observed or otherwise that is unchanging, true, repeatable.  There are natural invisible facts in experiential everyday living.  You face it and experience it and again you face it in another time and it is unchanging and it meets you unseen, and similar.

 So looking inwards and seeing how we are connected with the universe.  That is fine if there was not the consequences of science and technology and its inventions intercepting the natural process and confusing things.   As I was looking into Art and perception and if my thoughts and if my work is my own or not and if technology can interfere with my looking inwards for the Truth; you come to the conclusion that there is one aspect of technology that is critical and it interferes with the mind directly and masquerades as thinking, like it was your own.

The idea in this is: that anything that is made to modulate in the air that can then interact directly with the electromagnetic entity that is the mindbodysoul then the mind and body becomes vulnerable to its influence.  I don’t mean this as a digitised modulation that is say wifi that is projected into the air, encrypted as a digital element in the way it is transmitted.  Its transmission is simple, either a zero or a one, a yes or a no and it does this by either a phase shift in the frequency or in its amplitude.  The signal can cause some discomfort  perhaps to the mindbodysoul or in the chaos it creates in the mind by scrambling it, it can bring confusion but it cannot get to your thinking process in the sense it cannot tell you what to think.  The only entity that can do this is if it interacts with the audio apparatus of the mind and body. (I have not looked at how light can do this in any detail).  Today, and as I see it, there are a few ways you can get into the thinking process of the mind and it always finally involves the apparatus of the hearing process.

Leaving aside digital modulation to transfer data from one place to another using the air as a medium, lets look at other types of modulation that has in its making to transfer data directly to the mind.

There is the pulsed microwave signal.  These are bespoke signals, designed to be able to create thought in the mind.  There needs to be the ability to design them and get them to work.  The pulsed microwave signal has to come with a particular frequency and the pulse is where the modulation is situated.  The microwave entity allows the signal to penetrate the brain and the pulsed aspect of it causes the brain to vibrate minutely according to the information in the modulating pulse.  This is then transferred to the cochlear of the ear (bypassing the ear drum) where the brain modulation is processed and sent back to the brain which then “speaks” the subliminal and you get to hear it or at least feel it.  I have not looked into this myself but from the net, a great tool for educating oneself, I see that the signal has to be about frequency 1 Ghz with a signal that is ampfilfied to increase its intensity and pulsed with a subliminal message.

So what else is there. Directly modulated and ready to ding dong with your mind.  There is ultrasound.  Ultrasound does not penetrate walls, let alone your skull to get to the soft tissue of your brain.  So its access is via your ear drums and hearing (though it can with skin contact create audio in the brain and also more commonly used for imaging.)  It is though the cochlea of the ear which is sensitive to about 100Khz frequency sound signals.  After 20 Khz it is deemed ultrasound and you don’t hear anything but that does not mean that it will not create a feeling in you according to the modulation of the ultrasound signal.

Of course there is sound itself to get to you in minutely low volumes, spoken or from a radio or tv until you realise you have been subbed and then you stop listening or stop taking notice.  There is the sub vocal double speaker, parallel conversations. It takes at least 2 people to make this work.  It can happen in restaurants while you are enjoying your meal until…., cafe’s in the park when they need your table, behind closed doors, in a long flight to timbaktu, either a passenger behind you or sometimes those serving you on a plane. These can be either teenagers having fun or communities, street long, or in a circle.  Ultrasound directional speakers can be directed anywhere to sound only where it impacts.  Or alternatively for the signal to open up in mid air into the audible range and then you hear it in mid space and get spooked.  You don’t know how the air in front of you speaks to you or why the tree in the corner is talking to you – projected ultrasound.

Here is one that the banks like using on you. All their offices are rigged up to talk to you from behind the glass. It is the same system that the hard for hearing uses to listen to their tv, or for their in-ear listening devices which is either audio based or a T-coil.  Here when a magnetic field cuts through the t-coil – the modulation that is embedded in the magnetic field is translated to audio by the rest of the electronics in the gadget.  So from this simple designed for the hard of hearing comes the big design of the same principle for a bigger space.  The magnetic field will penetrate anything and everything.  It is not like a radio frequency that can travel distances.  This technology is local.  It will project a few meters depending on the intensity of the field.  Like when you are in a bank, talking to the teller.  If you get close enough to the microphone you can hear yourself breathing.  That is what this is good for – for listening to your bodily sounds as the magnetic field penetrates your body easily for some listening in.  With this method you will be able to hear into what you are thinking: “speak Thinking”, because you silently speak what you think.

The magnetic induction loop system  to listen in to your sub vocal speech.

How close can one get to what you are thinking?

jack and jill final 18 sept 2014

Now this example: not even I thought this was possible.  I sent an amplified signal down the power line through the ground cable.  Then used my induction coil receiver to pick up a signal on a metallic lampshade.  You will hear the signal in the air through an increased level of tinnitus in your ears/head and you would hear something of what was sent down the line.  See what you think of this:

jack and jill down power and recorded in computer connector with induction coil

This is like a summary of sorts of all the articles I have written earlier.  There are examples for all of these except for the microwave “voice to skull” modulation which needs a bespoke design for it to work.  I hope you can use this as reference for your own research.

Technology has come to invade your mind and for the future you need to know the limitations of your own mindbody and soul.


siri sign    dharma001



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