What Are You Thinking? Speak Thinking?

Don’t tell me, I know.

I think people can know what you are thinking.  The process is simple but I think there are many variation of this about.  It will take a good ultrasound microphone and a canopy of ultrasound standing waves in the room you are in.

This below is a recording using an ultrasound microphone. It would be difficult to do this if not for the canopy of standing waves ultrasound frequencies filling up a room. It is a bit like the article I wrote earlier called  Stochastic Resonance (https://www.siriperera.com/?p=7167), it needs this canopy of ultrasound to amplify your modulated breath so you can hear it and record it.  Below is such a recording.  Listen to it first then we can proceed.

tell me what are you thinking bat scan


tell me what are you thinking audacity

recording of breathing again, repeat,

I recorded it first using the bat scan software, then transferred it to audacity as I had to amplify the signal and apply a pitch to the signal to hear it better.  This whole process will come with some processing as you must remember that we are extracting what you are thinking from your breath which is being modulated by your vocal cords.  This is because you silently speak when you think and as you breath your vocal cords will modulate your breathing.  You then extract this modulation from your breathing to reflect your thinking.  This is what I had done here, but I think as the technology advances, if not here already, it is possible to use more penetrating electromagnetic frequencies, like microwave frequencies to record the tone of your chest to extract the sound of your breathing and hence to reflect your thinking as you silently speak when you think.

Being a penny investigator and a poor artist just trying to understand how his mindbodysoul works and how this is reflected in my work I cannot do any more to show you how this signal above when applied to a good algorithm can be converted to almost speech like results and your thinking will be as clear as daylight.  If you don’t have privacy in your mindbodysoul then you might think, “what else is there”.  But perhaps this was how it is meant to be when all is connected in one world, one universe.

It is being said, there is nothing new in the world but just the same things put together differently.  It is possible that there are spaces in your mind that cannot be manifested convincingly, say in a painting, to reflect spaces in ones mind.  The new in the mind can only be “seen” if it is experienced.  Manifestation of this new in the mind just become “symbols” for what those mind spaces might be.  It is just like the “word” (J. Krishnamurti) is not the thing, it is just a symbol for what the mind makes of it.  Its unseen reality is bigger, greater, more colourful, more beautiful but the idea behind the painting manifested is noting as beautiful as that which the mind made it out to be.  The painting is only a symbol of the experience of the process, of that idea, of that mind space that was created in mind to make that painting.  That mind space could be “new” but another will never see it in its entirety. It has to be experienced to be felt and “seen”.  It is possible that there is nothing new in the manifested world.  

The idea of “society” has  saturated.  It was created a long time ago.  Some new ideas got incorporated into it along the way but it is only one aspect of the mind.  One idea. The mind itself is only limited by the body that carries it.  The mind of the universe is vast, eternal, omnipresent.  It knows without learning because it sees all.  The idea of society created all the vices. Created religion as the structure had to be controlled. It created money to create a working environment. It created homes with families.  All these came about when the idea of society was created.  Society became too big and established for this idea to collapse.  New ideas created within society by banks started to become detrimental to its creation.  In danger of collapse when these new ideas were incorporated into its structure.  But the mind is bigger than society.  The mind is not preoccupied by only societies needs.  It has its own new spaces to be created to understand itself and its relation to the universe.  Some of these new spaces are not manifested or seen but only experienced. The evolutionary process continues in the mind but society is an old idea of the past. The “new” in mind continues its evolutionary process experiencing new spaces, and it has nothing to do with society.

Next I would like to tell you about this guy: insect robots.


Drones as small as an insect and they can bite.  I think I met one in the city a couple of days ago when I was in a tube train.  Its bite was not like an insects bite, but felt more like a needle being plunged into my arm. Then I saw it fly away.  It stayed on the seat under my forearm for about 30 minutes before it decided to bite and fly off.  Which insect does that.  Have you seen a spider run when you approach it. That is how they behave.  As I saw it fly away, it was clumpsy, bopping up and dowm, like it was too heavy on its wings,  and not as smooth as when you see a mosquito fly. I think it was an insect drone.  I think they can be very precise if they need to locate a person using the GPS of say your mobile phone or sensing the signature of your natural frequencies.


Just making sure that my thinking is my own but I do not know what these insect robots have to do with it.

“Cycorp is the most ambitious artificial intelligence project yet, and it’s been working secretly for 30 years”

O kay whatever,



Tomorrow’s world today.

siri sign


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One thought on “What Are You Thinking? Speak Thinking?

  1. Pingback: An Ultrasound Recording | Siri Perera

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