Have you heard ‘the hum’? Mystery Solved

Have you heard ‘the hum’? Mystery of Earth’s low droning noise could now be solved


This is what it sounds like.


The pressure of the waves on the seafloor generates seismic waves that cause the Earth to oscillate, said Fabrice Ardhuin, a senior research scientist at Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique in France.

 So you have the Hum sounding off the sky.  Not off your walls or your ceilings but from the great ether.  Scientist have now said that they now know where the sound comes from: it comes from the surface waves you see on the surface of the ocean generating a thumping pressure at the bottom of the ocean.  This causes the earth to vibrate and this creates pressure waves in the air with a certain low frequency which your ear drums pick up and you hear a sound.  The Hum from the Earth.  How cool is that.
But is it still cool if it comes off your walls if you have a psychopath for a neighbor who decides to put a high pitch tone say vibrating through your walls which separate you and them.  On all night, especially in your bedroom when you are trying to get some sleep.  What if these sub vocal sounds are modulated with a subliminal message and then it becomes not just irritating but also possibly making you do things without your knowing.  It is a plausible way to radicalise the unwary, giving them the impression that something needs to be done, or do things that is unlike their character.  We are dealing with subvocal subliminals that come in at the threshold of hearing, hardly audible.
What if it was one of the frequencies of the electromagnetic spectrum.  Like say a microwave frequency through a power amplifier perhaps to increase its intensity and one which would make you nauseous.   You would think you are ill, right.
Or perhaps just some from your microwave oven, turned around up against your wall.  You might feel some tingling on your skin and wonder what it was.  I have measured these microwaves from a microwave oven and it projects about a meter from the oven and that is after going through a concrete wall or bespoke radio frequencies that can possibly create sound in your head by minute vibrations of your brain tissue and transmitted to your cochlea to be decoded, like sound is decoded.  Self awareness is now not a spiritual must to see the intangible, but rather a need for everyday living and for protecting your privacy.
Community stalking has become a fashion these days with the new mobile phone applications like whatsup stalking individuals to their homes.  I gather new vigilante groups of counter stalkers have emerge which identify adamant stalkers or group of stalkers and counter stalk them all the way back to their homes and also when they are inside their homes.  When one aspect is created the opposite always emerges – from the whatsup stalker to stalking the stalker.
So from the Earth doing its bit to irritate its inhabitants with the Hum to the inhabitants doing its bit to irritating each other.  New technologies and new discoveries with radio wave frequencies and its interaction with the mind have given this kind of shenanigance an intangible side that needs some extra sensitive awareness in one’s mindbodysoul and its interactions with its environment.
In this example the crackle is modulated with: “I don’t know what is going to happen to you”.
Listen with in-ear headphones if possible.
radio frequency subliminals

Many of my articles have some aspect of generating or recording subs from the ether.  Feel free to browse before the site becomes a pay for only website.





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