Listening In To Your Living Space

Your living space horizons. To what extent can your living space be expanded out into past your boundary walls.  I think the best way to find this out is to listen in to it.

Remember that the possibilities are from your sub vocal speech in one end of the audio spectrum to the loudest when you can hear normally with your ears.  The hearing range is from 20 Hz to 20 Khz pressure waves in the air which your mind will make something of the information that is getting to it.

Remember that sub vocal speech includes the fact that you silently speak what you think: “Speak Thinking”. Remember you put all this out into the air and it could be fodder for others to use.

Extracting this soup of audio information in the air these days has become an art form and with today’s increasing technological prowess finding ways to extract them has become easier.  This article can only suggest just how close perhaps one can go to finding out what you may be thinking by just listening in to you silently speaking what you are thinking.

First can I discuss this with you: I always thought that when I open my mouth and speak and you hear me is because my voice is projected forward through my mouth.  Duh me!  Apparently the reverse is true.  The mouth and tongue is only to shape the words and the sound is forced out through the back of your vocal cords up your sinus spaces in your skull and out through your nose.  In fact you are speaking through your face.  I hear myself through bone conduction through the bones of my skull to my cochlea which then sends a electric signal through my auditory nerve to my brain.  We have been to Mars and back but scientist still don’t know where sound is created in the brain when I hear you. Yes seriously you do speak from your whole face and you look ridiculous doing it too. Its the back pressure up your face that creates the sound.  Its like blowing hard on a trumpet. Pinch your nose and talk now, and you will sound like a wally.  I see, you know how to play the trumpet too.

If your face is going to resonate as it does when you speak and more importantly – silently though it may be – your face still resonates what you are thinking, because you silently speak what you think.  You are going to leave an imprint of a pressure wave in the air of what you are thinking.  Your vocal cord will sound what you are thinking.  It is an evolutionary thing and we can’t seem to not speak what we are thinking.


In the pic above all those spaces in your skull will resonate to create your voice.  Your mouth just helps shape the words spoken.  I must also point out here for the seriously curious who might want to find out more about “Speak Thinking” for yourself that in one of my experiments I used a gadget to hold my tongue forward to see what part the tongue really had to play in me voicing my thinking process and to see if I could stop it.  The bad news is that the absence of the tongue did not stop the process of me translating my thinking to sound and that my vocal cords was really still doing its part to translate my thinking to sound.  So there you have it, to stop thinking and speaking at the same time is a much harder process it seems but not impossible, I think, and perhaps for another day.

recording listening in on 10 march 2015

The recording device I used here is still a handheld device but slight more sophisticated.  It can be used by musicians to record songs and also to record forest birds singing, so I guess it will get closer to what you want to do.  Depending on your gadgets and how powerful the microphones are, the larger your living spaces extends out to the space of others.  It is like a radio wave which knows no boundaries as it penetrates all walls in all homes but sounds have some limitations.  They will find their way through windows and crevices in your living space.  This recording gadget is nothing like the one they would have in a recording studio I guess.

So I guess living spaces gets infused and fused, tangled and bundled together where sounds travel from one to the other.  Some can come in at the edges of the the listening spectrum (20 hz to 20 Khz), low enough to just get a sense of it, but not hear it and it will be enough to generate a feeling and start a thinking process.  They might even be able to get even closer to listen to you thinking, as you speak what you think.

Just playing around with my recorder.  Thinking of making some music too.  I want to learn to play the Cello, not the elephant type but the small electronic ones.  I like the sound of the bass: seems to resonate to my mindbody and soul.  Take a Kit Kat break.

So where were we:

Ah, yeah, this speak thinking stuff.  Maybe this is a transformation period for the human race to become one. So lets just give up our privacy.  Lets forget about it and listen to each other.  More powerful microphones.  Perhaps a bespoke wall panel of array microphones listening in.  Your pin numbers and credit card details will come in useful someday.

How close can I get to your thinking.

how close can one get to your thinking

Thinking modulating a tone.

Modulating a CFL bulb’s buzz to “jack and jill” by “Speak Thinking”.  You will find that strong sounds are difficult to modulate rather than low buzz, low tone, weak audio signals are easier to modulate.  Air conditioner buzz can be easily modulated even more so perhaps by using the a magnetic induction loop or coil to perhaps modulate the motor and hence the buzz and air pouring out into your room.  You will easily carry an audio signal up a few floors if you follow the plumbing which is connected to the whole building or the air conditioning ducts that usually have no boundaries especially in tower blocks. The concept of the open window carrying an audio signal or speech to other spaces in the building.  If you get close to the plastic tubing’s that carry the electrical cables in your homes and listen in with a good microphone you will hear chit chat for the simple reason that the tubing’s connect other spaces to your own.  What you want a medal for already knowing this?  A good vibrating speaker on the larger plumbing pipes will carry sound out of your home and up a few floors.  If you keep it low enough you can insert target words and chit chant into the minds of others to alter their thinking and perception.  Remember that if your thinking or speech can modulate a tone and a buzz in your home, so can an audio signal from a hollow vibrating plumbing “speaker” modulating all the tiny – which you once thought insignificant sounds – in your home to carry subliminal signals which your mindbodysoul will pick up and create thinking in your mind.  So now you got to one day ask yourself – that is when you have time left after your city kind of mind switches off – are your thoughts really your own.  Are you being made to do things that you would not normally do.  Your thinking and hence your personality even, being shaped not by yourself but by others.  Have a Kit Kat break, then when you have some time you can come back to this.

You said what?. I did not hear you.  Can you repeat that louder please, so I will know.

The limitations of the mindbodysoul.

All for art interactive installation as art can show you the pattern.  Title: “city state of mind” or perhaps “Don’t tell me I know what you are thinking.”

When you are in front of the canvas painting there is a state of intense observation, a kind of one-pointedness where there is only thinking through observation and “Speak Thinking” STOPS.  You are thinking visually with no silently speaking what you are thinking anymore – just observation and a decision is made in the background silently with no thinking.  It is only when you come out of this reverie that you start thinking and silently speaking what you think: an experiential Truth.


11th March 2015


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