Are People Becoming More Psychic in the 21st century

The rise of the machine to compliment the human mind. Man naturally has created an environment that is just like his mind.  The structure of society is like the structure of the mind and this prepares the environment for the advent of synthetic telepathy. Backbone of the Internet. Internet_map_1024 Brain nerve fibres neurons

How memories are REALLY made

The temperament of the mind will be like that of the city.  The human brain does not know anything that is outside its own environment, so it manifest itself, unknowingly perhaps, an environment around himself that is like his own mind, because that is where it looks for information.  The complexity of this whole idea, includes what it sees and stores with its 5 sensors.  The mind works perhaps not knowing what are its limitations.  It has limitations.  Take hearing for instants: it only operates between 20 Hz and 20 Khz.  It has limitations it does not know about, but its process is organic: it can make itself by looking for new internal experiences.  It does anything that you want it to do.  It does not like to disappointment.  It will not say no when asked for information: it will look at all you have given it to store in the past and make something up for you.  Anything you like: it does not mean that the information is true, real, possibly only an illusion.  A product of the imagination.  When you find out its lie, it will shrug its shoulders and say, “what!. Could you not see what you were making me do.” The Truth might only show itself when you don’t involve him, that mind of yours.  When the Truth arrives in an instant, the mind takes it and spins it around until it is not recognisable.  So when you look at the structure of society: you know how it was made.   So what exists in the Mind Society you created is the original Mind that is you.  You have created yourself to surround yourself.  Now there is 2 of you looking at each other, one within the other. One real and natural and the other synthetic, created, a complex machine.   The mind has used information from nature to create society.

“Society is Nature on Streoids”.


There would come a stage when the artificial structure called society with its technology it created by observing nature, will start to interact with you.  It is just a question of time when society will cross the line and take over your mind.

Did you think this would not happen?

Crossing the line into the unknown

Before I try and make something of this article I would like to digress to put some information before you before I continue. I would like to tell you about a meditation hall I visited in Pondicherry built in the center of the Auroville complex. It was founded in 1968.  Auroville (City of Dawn) is an experimental township built in southern India and its aim is:

 “Auroville is meant to be a universal town where men and women of all countries are able to live in peace and progressive harmony, above all creeds, all politics and all nationalities. The purpose of Auroville is to realize human unity.”


But it is this meditation hall (The Matrimandir) that I want to talk to you about. First a short story.  You see that Banyan tree on the left, I was told when I visited it around 2005 or so, was meant to be where the globe was supporsed to be.  They were going to cut the tree down for the globe.  The tree was where many of the locals used to come and sit under the tree to meditate and they protested.  “why have a meditation hall when I can sit under this tree and pray and meditate.” Matrimandir1

The tree before the meditation center was built.   matrimandir before meditation hall was built

When I was there in Auroville, the gold disc on the globe were not in place.  It was only a white globe.  At the top of the globe was the largest man made crystal which would slowly turn following the sun that would direct the light into the hall in one place at the center.  When you are in the hall, you are completely cut out from the outside world and there is only one thing you will hear and that is your MIND.  You will learn to see how the mind and thoughts arise and how difficult it is to put them away.  There is complete silence but that of your mind.  The meditation center allows you to experience that space in you mind when all else that distracts the mind is kept out.  You have to be in such an environment to experience that space.  When you experience it then you know it.  The mind spaces are also spaces to be experienced, like you would experience external spaces, like sitting on a beach and facing the ocean.  Or on top of the Himalayas and looking down at people like ants to know how vast the mountains exists.  You can see the noise in this meditation hall of the mindbodysoul and the silence that comes with meditation.  A mind space. pondicherry_meditation_hall_internal_1

Just a bit more info about Auroville: when I was there is was a European couple who had built a simple complex that they owned and were renting out bedsits.  They could do this because auroville was an:

 “this experimental “universal township” would contribute significantly in the “progress of humanity towards its splendid future by bringing together people of goodwill and aspiration for a better world.” The Government of India endorsed the township, and in 1966, UNESCO also endorsed it inviting the member-states to participate in the development of Auroville.” The Auroville Foundation is an autonomous body under the Ministry of Human Resource Development through an act of the Indian Parliament Auroville should be at the service of Truth, beyond all social, political and religious conviction. Auroville is the effort towards peace, in sincerity and Truth In the inauguration ceremony attended by delegates of 124 nations on 28 February 1968, Mother (French founder) gave Auroville its 4-point Charter setting forth her vision of Integral living:

  1. Auroville belongs to nobody in particular. Auroville belongs to humanity as a whole. But to live in Auroville, one must be the willing servitor of the Divine Consciousness.
  2. Auroville will be the place of an unending education, of constant progress, and a youth that never ages.
  3. Auroville wants to be the bridge between the past and the future. Taking advantage of all discoveries from without and from within, Auroville will boldly spring towards future realisations.
  4. Auroville will be a site of material and spiritual researches for a living embodiment of an actual Human Unity.

It is this experience plus others, like watching the process of making art and ones mind that makes me see significance in this next section.

“The Brain: “Ringing in the Ears” Actually Goes Much Deeper Than That”

“Research on tinnitus has shown that it’s rooted in the very way we process and understand sound.”


To see how synthetic telepathy can be possible we need to see what happens to sound, or rather a pressure impulse when detected by the ear drum is processed by the brain to make sound. I am trying to use the stimulus of sound here to show you how with the new world technology here today and perhaps with some help from tinnitus I can know what you are thinking because of the very fact that one silently speaks when one thinks and how this can travel through the air for another to “hear” telepathically.  It is all about creating a digital electromagnetic environment in the microwave range that is pulsing at about the same frequencies that the brain operates.  The microwaves would pass through ones body and the pulsing part of the signal that carries the audio signal would cause the brain to vibrate and pass that signal to ear cochlear to be processed and back to the brain to create audio, so silent and low in frequency but just inside the hearing range for you to know what was said and all you need to do is silently speak like you do when you think: “speak thinking”.  That is all it takes but what is important here is that the environment created for this to happen has to be carefully moulded like an artist would when shaping a sculpture.

The following recording was done with a microphone, an induction loop which amplified the sound and recorded using a induction loop receiver.  This is to show you how a magnetic field environment can make some interesting discoveries about the mindbodysoul.  You must remember that when you are in a closed environment of electromagnetic waves, creating standing waves with the surrounding walls with electrical and magnetic components – you are basically creating the almost the same environment below where the recording was made.

That environment can be manipulated further by further amplification by adding white noise from an ultrasound speaker as I had shown earlier.  My aim for this research is purely artistic in nature and to create a space/installation where mind spaces can be experienced by one entering the space.  Art is a spiritual process: it is about seeing your mind    It is like when you have been to a good exhibition, you leave silent, the mind wrapped around what has just happened and you see something new in yourself and with that you are a new person, never the same again but for that show or experience.

speak thinking 7 aug 2014

speak thinking

You see sound with the latest research is saying is that it is a whole brain phenomenon.  It is normally explained as the ear drum, the cochlea, the auditory nerve which takes the signal to the auditory cortex  for processing.

Normally, we hear sounds only when they make our eardrums vibrate. The vibrations cause nerve hairs in the inner ear to shiver, and that triggers electric signals that travel along the auditory nerve into the brain. One of their first stops is a patch of gray matter called the auditory cortex. Each nerve hair is tuned to a particular frequency of sound and excites only certain neurons in the auditory cortex. As a result, the neurons in the auditory cortex form what is known as a tone map. The neurons at one end of the auditory cortex are tuned to low frequencies; the farther you go toward the other end, the higher the tuning of the neurons.


So with the explanation above we are still in the auditory cortex acting as a tone map.  Depending on the signal and where it is stimulated in the tone map of auditory nerve, the brain will decode this tone and you hear speech and a narrative you will understand.  It is like playing the piano – you make a structured sound.  But to create speech audio you can see how the brain system is a lot more sophisticated.  It is like Jimmy Hendrix trying to make his guitar talk, but he still cannot make it speak a sentence.

You notice the meditation hall in Auroville above is covered in gold disc.

The surface of the dome has 56 kg of Gold, which was sandwiched between as thin sheets. At its centre is a 70 cm crystal ball in a gold mount which glows with a single ray of sunlight that is directed on the globe from the top of the structure.


This is a meditation hall.  What is the use of it as a meditation hall if the microwaves signals can get to penetrate the walls and your brain and cause it to create stray signals. The hall with its gold disc outside is like a microwave oven that you use to heat your food turned inside out.  The microwave oven does not let microwave signal out of the oven and with the meditation hall because of the gold disc it does not let microwave signals into the dome.

But you at home, unless you are living in a futuristic home, like that meditation hall or at least something like the  Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao with its platinum skin:

gurgenheim bilbao

You are going to get the microwave signals today used in gadgets and communication tools coming right through into your homes past your brick walls and right through you and your brain.  Lets look closer at what it would do to your brain and how these can create sound or words in your head?

This sound system comes with an elaborate feedback mechanism. Neurons do more than just relay signals forward into the brain. They also signal back down the line, reaching out to neighboring neurons tuned to nearby frequencies, exciting some and muzzling others. These feedback controls allow us to sift through incoming sounds for the most important information, so that we are not overwhelmed by meaningless noise. In young brains, the neurons and their feedback controls grow and link up to each other. Even in adulthood, experiencing new sounds can rewire the auditory cortex. If a rat is trained to recognize sounds at a particular frequency, the corresponding region of the tone map will get bigger. 

As scientist spend more time looking closer at the brain more information is going to appear as to how it works.  The rewiring of the brain seems to occur in realtime.  Just like the mindbodysoul is organic in nature: that is it will rewire itself due to an event it experiences, so will the brain rewire itself due to its internal experiences.  If the audutory cortex experiences certain sounds or frequencies consistenly, then it will rewire that part of the tone map for you to to be able to pick up those signals even thought they might be barely audible.  So telepathy and in this case as you will be with the new world frequencies in the air the brain will get to recognise and rewire itself as it experiences these new frequencies more frequently.  New type of different designer digital signals are created for different communication purposes.

Not all digital signals can create telepathy.  It is important that the signal is able to penetrate the skull BUT more importantly the signal should be able to pulse at a frequency that is close to the frequencies that the brain uses.  This is very important to create a telepathic experience.  The others that are not designed to pulse, and there are many in the air around you, like the radio waves and wifi etc will be able to penetrate your body, but with these I think that the feedback system explained above where sound becomes a whole brain phenomenon as the wave of signal sweeps through the brain and can create a tone in the head, but not a recognisable word.  This is also enhanced by the fact that when a signal passes down a nerve a magnetic field is created around it like in your house electrical wiring.

“every time neurons send each other signals, their electric current creates a tiny magnetic field.” 

This tone might be recognised by what we call a tinnitus tone.  This tinnitus tone is not without its function because this tone will modulate to a pulsing digital signal and the brain I think will recognise the structure of a modulating tinnitus tone.  It is an all in one process, different signals and tones created to generate the telepathic experience.

One such pulse signal that is widely used today is the tetra signal that the emergency services and the police use today.  Tetra covers most of the country about 99% I am told.  The frequency it operates is around 380 mega hertz to about 400 mega hertz but it pulses at about 17.6 hertz – this is within the waking frequency of the brain.

A tetra signal pulsing shown by the separation of the signal into sections.

tetra net signal pic

Around 17.6 hertz pulsing frequency shown below.  Also present are the other frequencies you see in the graph.

tetra signals

If you switch on a frequency counter in your home I won’t be surprised that you see the tetra frequency as the dominant frequency.  This frequency will come from a tetra microwave tower.  Now if a policeman were to come and talk to you with his walkie talkie strapped in and the whole tetra set-up behind him, pulsing away straight through him and you – I think there will be a telepathic communication between the 2 people and all others in the loop.  This is allow both you and the policeman through subvocal speech to be able to communicate with each other without having to speak but only subvocally through “speak thinking”.  The phenomenon will be stronger if it is in a closed environmentand if the intensity of the tetra signal is stronger and contained within a space. Say if you happen to be in one of their vans or in a police patrol car and tetra is switched on – there would be a “pressure” created in the car and your ear drums will feel this pressure.  The inside of the car is “saturated” with pulsing microwave signals bouncing off its interior – so now you are sitting in an environment that is saturated with a electromagnetic signal having both a electrical component to it and a magnetic component to it. So you can see the space saturated with these two elements.  One is in the middle of it.  The electrical and magnetic ether can penetrate your mindbodysoul and furthermore everyone in that environment is connected to each other both electrically and magnetically.  It will only take a little sub vocal murmur for the other to know what was said. In fact you only have to think and the fact that you silently speak what you think is sufficient for the other to know what you were thinking. 2 minds that can transmit and receive and in this case using the audio components of the mindbodysoul to communicate.

Remember the organic nature of the brain to rewire itself with an experience.  If you get too used to listening to subvocal speeches and communicating telepathically you might get stuck with it and unable to turn back – the next stage of evolution – the MIND.  You created the environment for it through your own inventions.  Did it happen naturally by the unthinking mind or was it planned.

The mind is at where society is.

One world one government: a unified world where resources are shared with a more balanced society. Get ready for it because the mind will want it to happen.


and ART:

a sacred space

and it can help you find the pattern.

The MIND is like a counter spiral.

counter spiral001

You give it something new and it will look for it until it knows it.

siri sign

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