What Truth Looks Like?

one mind

If you follow the path of sound into mindbody and see the different ways it is processed one can get an idea of one’s relationship with the universe.

If you keep in mind that the human entity is is made of the external and the internal it will be easier to map this out. The external entity is made up of the sensors and connected to the mindbody – it deals with all the happenings, the noise etc of everyday living. The external processing of data which is then filtered through the ego and this creates a personality that is you. That is what you put forward: the personality – processed ‘self’ carefully ‘managed’ and sorted for external use.

Then there is that internal entity the ‘Soul’. This lives after death. It is energy and it stores all that has been when you were living. The difference between this and the soul is that there is no processing of all the data that has been through you. Exactly the same data that was processed by the mindbody to create the personality goes to the soul for storage.

The ‘soul’ looks from the center. It is everything that the mindbody is not. It passes no judgement (which the personality does), it knows no good or bad (as the personality does) – It looks from the center – seeing all things equally at all times – passing no judgement hence not creating a personality. Collective mindbody of the human race can be seen externally by all the problems that is at present in the world. If you looked at the collective ‘soul’ of the human race – you will see the same data, but the soul has no filters to create personality and it has this sense of ‘choiceless awareness’. ‘Look but don’t touch’ kind of seeing. To only be aware of what is around but not process the information. This entity the soul lives on after death. It joins the energy of the universe and they are the inner family of the universe.

The external mindbody family lives with conflict and sorrow and the inner family lives in peace. etc etc. compare compare. Only the mindbody can do this compare compare. The sould cannot do this. It does not know how to compare because it only knows watching, being aware. So the mindbody entity not all bad, if you are all born ‘bad’. Jesus said this not me. Something to do with an apple story that somebody ate and he became bad. Must have been Tesco apples. I think Jesus trying to say there is this ‘bad’ in us when we born as a ‘trigger story’ and the mindbody is there for you to get and live like you were the ‘soul’. Just watching and living the external life from the point of view of the soul. Like Jesus did. Like Buddha did. Like all the ‘soul’ people all around the world live today. I know you busy and don’t want to read too much. So some diagrams if you don’t want to read too much.

You surprise life so simple, right?

You see of the left there is lots of noise. City Noise. Everyday living noise. If you live via the soul, all is quiet, simple living. No problems. Why no problems: because you learn to live by the ‘policies’ of the universe. The natural laws. You naturally know the laws through feedback. The universe talks to you and keeps you safe. And it helps you be part of the greater ‘soul’ family. But if you join the mindbody gang it don’t mind too, because it knows no good or bad. But the unthinking parent universe ‘knows’ you will not make it in the mindbody. Not because it is bad: just because that is ‘what is’: that is how things are made on the greater level. What? you thought you had freedom and can do anything you want because you can play the guitar? Oh-Kay.
I said at the beginning that you can track your way to the soul and touch it if you follow the sound and it will show you where your soul exists. You can ‘touch’ it and ‘see’ it and be friends with it. It is a pure entity that will not pass judgement on you to get elected. And when you see it you live with it, like you would with your parents in your home. Only difference is that your parents might still have lots of mindbody in them so they ‘Bad’. Jesus said that not me. ‘Leave your parents and come to me’, he said. He meant leave the mindbody and come to me, the one who lives via the ‘soul’. What you think he crazy?. You insult a Christian he laugh. You insult a Buddhist, he runs. They both have some living via their soul. You can say all of us have a proportion of living by the soul and some living by the mindbody. Depending of how much of each will show on how tolerant you are: I think. I quickly add this, I think because I not crazy like Jesus. Or Buddha, he sit under the tree all day long, and when he see his wife coming looking for him, he close his eyes and pretend to meditate. But I love them both and all ‘soul’ entities because they safe as Tesco apples.

I don’t want here to go into everything that I have said earlier into sound and how they create this pathway into the mindbody and how the body is really like an antennae. The net is a great educating tool and will one day replace the institutions. It will be a case of how well you have educated yourself through it or not to find a job. As long as the structure exists and you live in it you have to live with its unnatural laws. I must give it to society to create such a collosal structure that competes with the natural power of the universe and has existed thus far till today with – no tipping point in site?. Mindbody/soul – and – society/universe: i told you: that is what we are good at doing: replicating ourselves in the space that is the universe. And that is ALL we can do, because that is how we are made. We are very limited in the way we can operate. Except for Damiem Hirst: this guy is crazy and for an artist that is a compliment (don’t call me).
As for seeing the soul through sound, if in general terms you have not got it already, then there is a lot you can do yourself to see how if you follow the sound it will take you to meet your soul.

The ionosphere that spherical trapped space around the earth acts like a ‘capacitor’ with a static charged field. As an entity it is a perfectly designed natural space to act as a transmitting and receiving device.

Ok-kay I am surrounded by sound and other things.

The body as an antennae

devices to measure electrical signals in the body tissue invented…

Blah Blah. Sound can be sent to us and extracted from us willy-nilly.
Sound and sensor inputs through technology get into us too easily these days which is then used to create mindbody and hence FALSE mindbody personalities.  Only by living ‘eyes wide open’ with the ‘soul entity’ in a noisy city environment will the true nature of being be seen to live with the universe. Ask Jesus he will know and he tells it like it is in the bible. Or ask Buddha: he will tell you through the Dhamma on how he discovered it.
(Dhamma:The Laws of Nature considered collectively – wiki: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dharma_(Buddhism))

Jiddu Krishnamurti (JK) on watching the mindbody at work.

why don’t you change?

As JK says we might be biologically conditioned (and we might not be able to do anything about this) but psychologically we can change.  Increasingly this might be getting more difficult due to the incursion of technology and more silent conditioning (is what the last few articles were about).  Technology silently comes in through the ether  – like nature does (to keep you in balance) – and changes you in ways that you don’t know about.

By the way did you know that Bruce Lee was an ardent follower of Jiddu Krishnamurti.

Jiddu Krishnamurti is like linux, a free and open source software – it can become anything it wants to be and is always looking for a new way of working and its reference is always nature.

Like Art , it cannot be anymore than what nature is.

Like Me.

Like U: jackass, the movie

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