Silent Witness part 1


Silent Witness part 1

(speak thinking – One think’s and simultaneously silently speaks)

speak thinking in ear recording (jack and jill)

Earlier in ‘speak thinking’ i had pointed out that when we think we also ‘silently speak’. The thinking part of the brain and the ‘planning to speak’ part of the brain are all close to each other. What we think is not always what we speak. BUT the thinking part is ‘silently’ spoken fully but not spoken out loud. This is an observation you can clarify for yourself. You have to think loudly to ‘hear’ it clearly. If you still cannot hear it, then try this: cover your ears with 2 fingers and now listen to yourself think. The sound is amplified. It gets louder. What I am getting at is, if you plug up your ears then your thinking becomes more audible. This ‘thinking sound’ can be heard as you can see below. The implications of this I will come to as the article progresses. But first why does the inner sounds gets amplified. Below are 3 experts on this, each with some more information on the matter.

Trevor Cox, Professor of Acoustic Engineering, University of Salford: Why is it that when you listen to yourself when you’ve got earplugs you sound very different and all the sounds of munching and crunching sound very different if you eat something? When I’m speaking I’m not just hearing the sound coming out of my mouth, going round and down the side of my head and into my ear canal. I’m also hearing my bones vibrate. It’s called bone conduction. When my vocal fold are opening and closing, when the air in my mouth is resonating the sound is also passing through my head to my ears and being picked up as sound.When you block up the outside path by sticking in things like earplugs all you can hear is the bone conduction. Actually you’ve got something also happening called the occlusion effect. Because you’ve got an ear plug in you’ve got a little resonant cavity in the ear canal so you actually get a little boost towards the top of speech around 2000Hz. That also means that certain sounds are amplified as well.

Daniel Rowan, Audiologist, Institute of Sound and Vibration Research, University of Southampton: It’s probably related to a well-known phenomenon called the occlusion effect. All sounds generated within the body such as mastication or talking are transmitted all around the body or the body tissues, particularly the bone. That sort of sound escapes, if you will, into the air-filled cavities of the body including the ear canals. The sound in the ear canals usually follows the line of least resistance and comes out of the ear canals rather than going into the ear drum and into the inner ear. When you plug your ear canal up with your finger then that sound goes into the eardrum, into the cochlear making things sound louder. In acoustical terms the amount of sound that gets into your inner ear can be as much as 1000 times. In terms of how loud we perceive it, it can be 5 times as loud or even more. This is a particular problem with people who wear hearing aids because having a hearing aid in the ear canal can make the sound of their own voice uncomfortable. That’s one problem that occurs through it. and Dr. Mark Ross Professor Emeritus of Audiology, University of Connecticut: An occlusion effect occurs when some object (like an unvented earmold) completely fills the outer portion of the ear canal. What this does is trap the bone-conducted sound vibrations of a person’s own voice in the space between the tip of the earmold and the eardrum. Ordinarily, when people talk (or chew) these vibrations escape through an open ear canal and the person is unaware of their existence. But when the ear canal is blocked by an earmold, the vibrations are reflected back toward the eardrum and increases the loudness perception of their own voice. Compared to a completely open ear canal, the occlusion effect may boost the low frequency (usually below 500 Hz) sound pressure in the ear canal by 20 dB or more.

So if you are getting what i am reading then by: ‘All sounds generated within the body such as mastication or talking are transmitted all around the body or the body tissues, particularly the bone.’ means that your whole body becomes a kind of audible ‘speaker’ playing out your thinking. You bone conduction sounds might be minute but still can be heard. But one personally knows that the when the ear cavity is covered the sounds gets louder. From ‘speak thinking’ you can see that the sound is also generated in your breath by your vocal cords and the action of your tongue movements against your upper palette. Look, cover your ears, and think strongly, ‘what am i going to buy from sainsbury’s tomorrow’: can you see your tongue moving like it is speaking and can you hear that sound in the hiss of your breath. But if you listen more carefully you will hear a tone to that ‘hiss’ that probably comes from all the cavities of your body speaking out. So you speak what you think all the time. There is no ‘no’ to this process. It is not a process that can be stopped. It is hardwired into how your body works. You think and so shall you ‘silently’ speak.

What you will hear will sound like this:

speak thinking in ear recording (jack and jill)

This was recorded in the inner ear canal.  I was only thinking silently of the words.  If you were looking at me you would not think that I was saying anything.  This is an amplified signal and nothing else was done to the signal.  You think and you shall also speak it. This would happen if you also read a book silently. You can feel your tongue moving to the rhythm of your sentence and your breath hissing to the sound of the contents of the passages. When you type in your ATM pin number etc. You silently think and you silently speak. How does this work: sound is a pressure wave that is it moves forward with increase and decrease of pressure. This sound in speak thinking is initially created by your vocal cords. Remember that as this is happening you are also breathing in and out. Your breath is your ‘carrier wave’ which is modulated by the preesure pulse created by your vocal cords in speak thinking. And the breath carries this sound to the outside and you can also hear it just under your nostrils.

This is only part of the audible evidence that an individual can do without going out of pocket just to make a point about the inner self, sound and its implications in the Arts. The sound that you hear in your breath is only a small part of the total sound as the rest of the sound is not monitored for this experiment.

You silently read with your mind and you also silently speak with your tongue and it can be heard if one needs to. With the most feeble of thoughts you can hear a resonating tone of your thinking. Sound is created by a pressure pulse in the air around you. It does not travel long distances. So it needs another kind of wave to help it along to travel long distances. It is not like it is sitting on the back of the carrier wave but rather it is converted into a pattern in the carrier wave that carries the information of that sound and then reconverted back to sound at a distance away. The mobile phone you carry communicates with your friends through an invisible ray of energy that carries your information to him or her through space and arrives to another mobile phone, perhaps across oceans, and is converted back to sound for one to hear the message. In theory if that can happen because you are speaking into the phone, then through ‘speak thinking’ if one can monitor that resonating sound in (your nasal cavity and in) the cavities of your body when you are thinking, then that signal can be transmitted, across oceans for another to know what you are thinking in real time. Now where does that leave, ‘your right to remain silent’, and a small matter called ‘privacy’. To make ‘speak thinking’ more accessible, the initial recording has to be ‘calibrated’ against a template of ‘speak thinking’ sounds and the actual spoken word and hence the translation then becomes immediate. Its applications are many (keching!) for use as soundless communication applications using the mobile phone. (It would not take much to incorporate a directional microphone in your mobile phone strong enough to pick up the inner sound that is ‘carried’ in your breathing. This is then translated by a database of ‘sound word for spoken word’ to then communicate silently.)

The pro’s and con’s of this. The need for pro’s and con’s only come from knowing of its presence. The process of ‘speak thinking’ probably has been part of the evolutionary process for decades: at least a couple! There can be a lot of human nature as we know it that is built around it. It is probably a subtle tool for communication between people. ‘Speak thinking’ is a subtle unknowing way of communicating between souls. It is a subliminal way of communicating between self’s and this would mean that ‘thoughts’ through ‘speak thinking’ can actually have an effect on others if the process is subtle. ‘Intention’ through silent thinking has a way of getting across space through the energy field. You got to carry this idea all the way if you want to see it better. As you write you silently speak and you can be heard by those who are evolved enough to want to know what you are writing and what you are thinking, in realtime, travelling across the world to a little village in Singapore. I have to push this as far as it would let me.

Now more seriously, ‘speak thinking’ does not allow the human race to think that it is made up of separate individuals. It suggests that it communicates as one through subliminal messaging. You can see it in the Arts: it has always followed one from the other. It cannot do it in any other way. It unknowingly takes from another for itself because it is in the ether, ‘speaking’. The whole human race functions as one, moving forward slowly. It cannot correct mistakes it has made by coming out of it in leaps and bounds. It has to come out of it like it went into it: slowly. It manifests the inner self at times unknowingly into the environment by its inventions and its structures that it builds. The structure of society in itself is a reflection of the inner structure of the human psyche. The Internet communicates between peoples like the human psyche silently communicates with each other. It makes the space that it lives in like its ‘inner space’ so it can tangibly see itself, yet it still does not see that ‘the observer is the observed’. ‘If you can see it then you have it’. If you think that ‘speak thinking’ is impossible (first take that smirk off your face) then listen to your brain talk:

or this one: listen to how the muscles on your face talk (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany: look for soundless communiction)

And, what has all this got to do with Art?

Seriously, where have you been?

It is psychological thinking that has to be monitored. That is all that Jiddu Krishnamurti talked about all his living life: to come to terms with psychological thinking – that unnecessary chit chat in the mind. To be able to, observe it, see it for what it is and NOW to hear it for yourself. Not anything like Bingo this speak thinking. It is serious stuff you want to look at more closely. The mind has developed in more ways than one and not all of it is needed for some peace and quiet. You need to know what your limitations are and deal with it. You deal with it so that the body in all its entirety is able to connect to the ground of the earth through your mind so you are one with it and you live like that as one with the earth and also connected with all around you. Then, you now make some Art. There are no many Truths. There is only one reality that is true. The real one in existence that one has to come to see when the mind is quiet after it has understood all its limitations and not the many illusionary truths of the mind, as in one for each person alive. The mind does not see clearly when it is noisy. The mind body soul has to get past its barriers to get connected to the intangibles for you to see the Truth better. It has always been about ‘know thyself’ first and it is not about if i know if i like fish and chips, or a balty rice and curry.

Just one last thing as a conclusion: Vipassana Meditation.

“Vipassana, which means to see things as they really are, is one of India’s most ancient techniques of meditation. It was rediscovered by Gotama Buddha more than 2500 years ago and was taught by him as a universal remedy……..” See. I am not making all this up but speak the Truth. Art can allow you to see all if your mind allows you to do what it was designed to do in the first place. To show you the path to, “Total Freedom”.

According to Darwin “In the struggle for survival, the fittest win out at the expense of their rivals because they succeed in adapting themselves best to their environment.” ( In seeing speak thinking for what it is and now recognising ones limitations as a result of knowing it exists, the evolutionary process takes a tangent.

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