Today’s Mind Under Siege

You could go into the details of the properties or interactions of radio frequencies with your body or the objects around you – but there is only one aspect that you need to observe.  It is more of an observation than an understanding of it.  It is to understand how vulnerable the mindbodysoul is to the silent sounds around you to induce thinking that is not your own.

In today’s new environments of wifi and radio frequencies which fills your living space at home and at work – how these interact with your body and mind and the sounds that they create inside your head (tinnitus etc) could be modulated to induce thinking.

Who would have thought that the inferred spectrum that you use in your remote control for your TV could penetrate your skull to reveal if you have a blood clot or not as is being use today by paramedics:

Your remote control also uses a inferred beam to switch on your TV. The Infrarred radiation is still part of the electromagnetic spectrum with the same characteristics of a radio wave.


Infrared LED on a TV remote control

An easy test to see how your living space filled with the radiations from your powerline, your wifi, the energy radiations of all the gadgets in your home can be modulated is to use your TV remote control.  Every time you use it notice how you can hear the interactions of the inferred impulse with the radiation of the living space via the tinnitus sounds generated in your head.  This to me is silent sound technology at its most invisible that is being today.  If you had fluorescent lighting in the buildings like in hospitals where the place is quiet, the sounds generated are more audible and interactions are easier to detect.

The whole process is bespoke to create an environment that can interact with the individual to make it more effective.  To induce thinking in the mind and generate thoughts that is not your own.

Now to take the TV remote control test one step further.  How could you actually modulate the radio frequency soup in your space to silently “talk” to you or to another.  You see every gadget in your home will communicate with this space.  A mobile phone or 2 mobile phones silently talking to each other or 2 walkie talkies silently talking to one another or even modulating the soup with a text to speech program in your computer (even with the volume muted) will modulate the Tinnitus “soup” in your living space to silently communicate with you.  This is silent sound at its quietest – then add some low level conversation through your vibrating walls via a thumper or your mobile phone strapped to the wall……all bespoke disruptive design to confuse the mind when you operate at the edges of the hearing process (20 hz to 20 Khz).  This cities of the future will be designed such and were planned well in advance to create a cocoon  of people that need to be controlled as populations gets bigger, to keep control of rogue DNA and brains that do not comply with the city.  Your future is waiting for you and you are in control…..of nothing, not even yourself.

So in today’s tech world do you know what is in the air or who is listening to you through your computer.  Below is a combination of “speak thinking” where you silently speak what you think (by me) and the unknown in conversation.

recording who are you 2 jan 2016

Hey buddy, “you got any lottery numbers”?


sign siri

last day of 2015

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