Recording Mind Control Subliminals In The Air

This is not an easy feat.  A DIY parabolic microphone is probably the best option for these sub vocal unheard, ever so slightly audible vocals in the air.  24/7 monitoring of the subject probably by a call center that can be located anywhere in the world.  It is like a Drone command center, but here it is just microphones and the latest technology for an assault on the mindbody and soul of a person, or persons or a whole community or maybe in the future the whole population.

The best option for recording this silent sound instructions coming from the ether is by replacing your satellite dish receiver with a microphone, bringing it into your home and connecting the microphone to your computer.

satellite dish with mic

Run Sir Audacity.  Amplify your signal and listen for structured vocals.  The vocals will be buried among the spikes and the noise.  Like this.

dish do not do it 18 sept 2015

“do not do it” ??

It is a case of burying your vocals among the debris in the air so it looks like and sounds like, almost like just a vibration from your fridge or kettle etc.  But when they get to your ear drums and then gets processed you are definitely going to think it.  Not all are unheard.  Some come through just audible.  So the next time your child come to you and says, “mum this man is saying that he wants me to come out and play” and you would say, “what man”, and your child would say, “the man over there”, and nowhere, but she would have heard the voice in the ether.  It is silent sound mind control for the 21st century.

Staying connected with the sound.

At times you can speak to the sound, like it is a mentor of sorts.  Perhaps it is what the government is planning for us in the future.  Just testing some of the possibilities.

So when I had all set up for a recording, I could not get the elusive voice to speak.  Scared de cat, coward?. Ding dong.  I asked the voice to say something and this is what I got:

dish why should we help you 18 sept 2015

“why should we help you”??

It comes in a fade out signal.  Here you have to get your in-ear headphones on to listen.

dish you crazy bastard won't give up 18 sept 2015

Remember that you ain’t seen nothing yet as to how your life is going to change as the 21st century progresses.   It is mind control on a mass scale for the city state of the future.

These are very low volume silent sound pressure waves in the air collected by a satellite dish for the microphone to record them.  Perps know everything you are doing by following the sound in your home.  It might look like they have hidden cameras but really they have observed you for weeks on end and follow your habits around your home and watching you that way. They know everything you type on your keyboards by the sounds from the keys which a mic (or an ultrasound mic – see earlier articles) would pickup as they all have different personalities and software probably translates those sound for them into words.

They like playing the bastard and the friend.  See below.  The methods are very similar to interrogation methods you know about: good cop bad cop.  You never know where these signals are coming from.  For all I know they could be projected from the street lamps outside my home: directional speakers and microphones build into the lamp post. Very possible and doable to make silent sound work.

Another which I have only mentioned in passing and not tested is a vibration speaker into the ground under the floor boards, probably on one of the plinths holding up the building, or straight into the ground via a separate cement plinth so the vibrations only work their way down along the earth.  You can see some of the recordings above are so muffled and subtle that it is possible doable for a subtle muffled sound to be heard.  They can be coming along the line of homes in the street or across the street as the sound would travel from under the homes and up into adjoining homes along the ground.

dish you're pho 18 sept 2015

You are bastard, how’s that you $%65&&8*!!!  Bigger and better when you don’t know the word for it.

Protect your kids from this type of hacking of the mind.

“Get up stand up stand up for your rights.”


Perps know that you cannot monitor them 24/7 and you will eventually get bored listening to them if you had one of these set up in your home.  But if your children come to you and tell you “mummy I have a friend in my room talking to me”, you want to listen to them……..



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