Smart Grids and Subliminals

Look I think a time comes when somebody puts up his hands and say, “Yes this is how we do it.  We do tell you what to do and your thinking is not your own as we make you think what we want too”.

I have showed you examples before, how a sub can come in through the computer in, “talk to your computer and it will talk back to you.”  Yes I did, I did.  I gave you this: Tit for Tat banter got a reaction from the F-dinks. You will hear, “we’ll hang you” at the end of the recording.  It is either a big-ego mistake from the ding dongs or they want us to know that they can get into our homes and tell us what to think.

we'll hang you

I think people will not take this seriously because they are just busy with their outer reality to be concerned about what their inner self’s are going through.  The process that are used today to get you thinking what they want too is getting so subtle that they are pretty confident that it needs a paradigm shift in a large number of people for it to make any difference to them whoever.

As an artist I am really concerned that my thoughts are my own.  Its all about ideas and the struggle for the new and originality.  You don’t need that extra hassle to decide if that idea was mine or not.  Is it “new” or from the past.  Was I told to do that last idea? It sucks really, if your thinking is not your own and if there are subtle means of changing ones thinking mid-sentence in ones mind.  This will mean that the world is created not from individuality but from a plan or a pattern and the masses are made to carry out that plan.

Sad to say, I feel, this is the case. And how is this done: via any gadget in your home that can be used for this purpose.  You have seen above how it can happen through your computer.  Yes I showed you an example above where they can clearly communicate with you through your computer.

But you see, it can be done from anywhere and anywhere. In your home, in the streets, in your shopping malls, in the underground stations (very good for subs, with their standing wave echos adding some big F-dinks working in there).

But lets concentrate on how it is done.  Very subtle process.  They know they can get away with it that is why it is done without any concern of being traced.  Imagine this: you have a blower fan operating close to you. You are meant only to hear the whoosh of cool air on your face and body.  BUT buried in that whoosh and integrated with it is a modulating verbal subliminal that is also being projected outwards towards you.

OK, Just look at this example: I recorded that whoosh from a air cooler and lets examine it.  I could not use the sections with high amplitudes because the air on the microphones was chaotic and unusable, but the other sections were usable but had to be edited to remove air flow noise.  Much of the data was hidden in the lower base section and after some filtering the voices were a bit clearer, enough I think in the original to make an impression on you to get your brain to recognize it and to process it to allow the thinking process to take over, where you would not have known what initiated that thinking.  The whole design of this sub allows the whole process to be an extra sensory process: you get a feeling of something without hearing anything.  Think about what this means when you have the time to know how this process works.

cooler fans with mist not edited

You will get that feeling from a recording like this coming through your air cooler blower: Keep the base high on this recording as that is where all the subs are heard. Using in-ear headphones will help.

cooler fan with mist edited

You see, if you don’t comprehend from hearing, that does not mean that your brain is also not going to make sense of it.  I gather latest research says, that the brain looking at data like this has very good editing processes of its own to extract signals going through the grey matter.  You might not hear it as it is at the limits of your hearing and in this case perhaps the lower limit, or buried in multiple types of sounds, chaotic, but the brain has evolved in ways that are too complicated to understand, but it is conditioned to extract what is closely related to verbal speech sounds.  I gather recently they discovered that the brain uses stochastic resonance to detect weak signals.

Stochastic resonance (SR) is a phenomenon where a signal that is normally too weak to be detected by a sensor, can be boosted by adding white noise to the signal, which contains a wide spectrum of frequencies.

white noise amplifying signal stochastic resonance

Psychophysical experiments testing the thresholds of sensory systems have also been performed in humans across sensory modalities and have yielded evidence that our systems make use of stochastic resonance as well.

This is not Bingo anymore.  The matter is quiet serious if this is true.

Scientist are looking at the theory of everything of the universe then what about the theory of everything of your living space. It is usually an enclosed space, perhaps with an air conditioner, or a cooler fan.  The Hum and the whooshes from your household gadgets all create an integrated sound with embedded subliminals.  They bounce off your walls creating standing waves with areas of high amplitude sound waves.  You in that space is also completely integrated in that space, with the air in that living space coming up against your breathing and entering into your thoracic cavity and perhaps being modulated by the sounds of your thoracic cavity which include the words of your thinking as you silently speak what you are thinking.  All of you is embedded in the ether surrounding you.  All of the data in the ether surrounding you is connected to the power grid supply by the gadgets in your home.  Like your nervous system is capable of converting one form of energy to another, like sound, a pressure wave in your ears to an electrical impulse in your nervous system, so is the power grid capable of carrying electrical modulations of your thinking back down the grid line to its source to be decoded.

Yes, today they call them smart grids.  Into the 21 century they tell us.  This is what they look like:

smart grid_02

Smart grids act as 2 way communications:

Since 1882, when Thomas Edison switched on the world’s first commercial generator in New York City, the electric grid has been a one-way path from power plants to consumers. A smart grid allows for a two-way street, adding computer intelligence and communications to the electricity distribution network………….

A smart grid adds “computer Intelligence” and is a 2 way process.? What! Hence it makes sense that you can hear “voices” in your gadgets at home and also the gadgets can act as listening devices taking back modulations coming off your gadgets which will also include what you are thinking as I explained above.

why smart grids:

  • Self-healing from power disturbance events
  • Enabling active participation by consumers in demand response
  • Operating resiliently against physical and cyber attack
  • Providing power quality for 21st century needs
  • Accommodating all generation and storage options
  • Enabling new products, services, and markets
  • Optimizing assets and operating efficiently
  • What you forgot to add: MIND CONTROL.????

smart grid_02

Look at the above again.  Anyone of those sectors in communication with the smart grid can get into your homes.  Can anyone tell me where did this recording come from: “we’ll hang you”: from the cities and offices, or perhaps from the factories in the diagram above.

smart grid,eh, so smart that it can get to your computer and not only hear you but also talk back to you.  It gets to all your gadgets and collectively creates a subliminal to alter your thinking and your perception.

Seriously how would you know what the brain can do and how is it wired to your space.  Just know, that your brain can make sense of chaotic signals that your externals sensors might not be able to do so. You will know if you were a within/without person who recognizes that there is a tangible and an intangible side to us and am able to read both well enough to ask the question: how do you know your thinking is your own. 



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