Root Races

Information for this can come from every one of us on the planet. There is information from the scientist and also information from us via meditation and in our quest also discover new things. The ancients have set a path for us concerning the mind and we have always come back to this and sadly have said the same things for many years now with nothing new added to the information about the mind from the ancients. One can easily draw a line between all the religions etc and find the same things repeated perhaps in different ways but saying the same things.

But if we look at other aspects like in terms of evolution and the way it is projected into the future by some mystics – you can pretty well make a good guess from the present state of the mind as to where it is heading in the future.

Let us look at what is said about the evolution of the human entity. We are supposed to have evolved from just energy entities and with manifesting the body our minds have continued to evolve.

There are 7 roots races in the plan. We have gone through 4 of these in the past and we are at the 5th root race at present.

This information is from here: THE SEVEN ROOT RACES OF MANKIND

These are the 4 we have been through:

Root Races.


Polarians –

The first root race was primarily spiritual (Astral/Etheric), and did not leave physical remains.

2) Hyperboreans –

The second, Hyperborean root-race (a continuation of the first) was semi-astral, but grew denser and more opaque with each passing age. Towards its end, it became more gelatinous and filamentoid in structure, and developed the rudimentary beginnings of bones and organs, hair and skin. Although still more or less ovoid in form, it began to show the first outlines of the later human form. However, towards its end, its bodies passed through many curious, part-animal forms.

3) Lemurians –

The Lemurians were the first with physical bodies. They were described as a race of three eyed giants and inhabited a “lost continent” of Lemuria which is where the Indian and Pacific oceans now are. Modern theosophists sometimes identify Lemuria with the actual ancient supercontinent of Gondwana. Others may refer to it as “Mu”.

4) Atlanteans –

The Atlantean Root Race includes the following sub-races:
1) Rohmahls
2) Tlavatlis
3) Toltecs
4) First Turanians
5) Original Semites
6) Akkadians
7) Mongolians

We are now at the fifth root race:

5) Aryans

The constituent “sub-races” of the Aryan (5th or present) Root Race include the following:
1) Hindus
2) Sumerians
3) Egyptians
4) Hellenes (Greeks & Romans)
5) Europeans
6) Nova men
7) Indigo Children & Star Children

So for the 5th root race, we know where our minds are at and for the human entity to progress to the 6th and 7th root races we can have a pretty good guess what our minds should look like as we evolve into the future.

6th Root Race:

Since this is such a big subject it is best I just reproduce what is said about the 6th root race rather than have any input of mine.

– the sixth sub-race of the Aryan root race will begin to evolve in the area of the United States in the early 21st century.

 sub-race will “possess certain Psychic Powers, and for this the pituitary body will be developed, thus giving an additional sense, that of cognising astral emotions in the ordinary waking consciousness.

The sixth root race will fuse the mind with the intuition (manas with buddhi) and gradually all difference between the sexes will begin to fade out.

We may say that in general the sixth sub-race will bring in wisdom and intuition, blending all that is best in the intelligence of the fifth sub-race and the emotion of the fourth.

7th Root Race:

– In the 7th Root Race, humanity will fuse mind and intuition with Atma, the inner Spiritual Self, and will then be able to function consciously as the Higher Self, the Spiritual Triad of Atma-Buddhi-Manas. This development and advancement will, in the far distant future, eventually come about naturally for humanity. All sexual difference will then have ceased to exist and conception and birth will take place in an entirely spiritual way.

When the 7th Sub-Race of the 7th Root Race is completed, this 4th round will come to an end for our Globe (the 4th Globe of the 4th Chain) and our globe will enter a period of Pralaya, a lengthy but temporary period of rest and inactivity. (comment: here as we evolve according to a pattern so does the universe goes through a period of activity and then a period of rest. In this is us, also in an evolutionary pattern – hence 7th root race in the 4th globe pattern. This seems to suggest that nothing is static, as the universe evolves, so do we in its bigger pattern. We are part of that bigger pattern of evolution. We are part of the natural laws of the larger universe. If we think about it, any illusionary ideas and structures that we build around this natural phenomenon, like the structure of society for an instant if not part and parcel of this natural phenomenon then it will eventually fall through the natural and disappear. We should live and government via the natural laws of nature?)

So one can see from the evolution of the 6th and 7th root race there is always the mention of Intuition becoming more prominent as our main type of thinking. Perhaps we do not need to wait for the 1000’s of years of evolution to get us to the 7th root race. Lets start now:

We know that our thinking is made up of what I call the self-talk type of thinking (where we silently have to talk what we think for us to have to think at all) and the silent intuitive type of thinking.

So let us make Intuitive thinking more important to us in our decision making. Intuitive thinking is a non-manipulative type of thinking in that we cannot change its content with this type of thinking. Some think that the information you get from intuitive thinking comes off the repository of the Cosmos. Cosmic nature and the natural law of things telling you what to do and what the future is going to be like.

Self-talk thinking is from us. Our own mind and our own thinking. It is a very manipulative type of thinking of this and that and making many conclusions from the same source. This type of thinking predominates in our minds and sometimes show up as psychological thinking creating illusionary puzzles from our experiences and our past. Self-talk thinking has its limitations in that its only repository is itself, its experiences and it’s past.

There is a big difference between these 2 types of thinking. If we separate them out by either cross-legged meditation or by seeing what “speak thinking” is all about then we can make the silent intuitive type of thinking as our main thinking process. We first must need to get past our noisy self-talking mind to our silent intuitive cosmic mind if we are to move up in the evolutionary process of the mind.

The mind of the 7th Root Race?

“If we can make the mainstream, scientific community understand the theoretical function of the idea that we are all one then we stand the chance to be able to apply it in the most powerful way to our society and move on to a new level of existence, which I call the galactic society. A society that is no longer confined to the surface of their planet, that has infinite amount of goods, infinite amount of power. A society that lives in abundance instead of scarcity… This is what I visualize when I see our future.” – Nassim Haramein

” ….like a luminous arc proceeding to form a circle; and then, having attained the highest point of its circumference, the ineffable glory bends back again, and returns to earth, bringing a higher type of humanity in its vortex. As it approaches nearer and nearer to our planet, the Emanation becomes more and more shadowy, until upon touching the ground it is as black as night.” Madam Blavatsky.

Capturing the shadow,

Shadow on canvas.

26th May 2019

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