Are we wired to our living space?

The reason you feel that people can read your mind is because you are feeling them reading your mind. You are “paranoid” because paranoia is a tangible phenomena. You are feeling it because it is happening.

The people who read minds are doing so by listening to the background noise of your living space. Pets are very good at this because much of the background noises are either sub-vocal or ultrasound, that is at the lower end or the higher end of the hearing system and their hearing system can hear these sounds.

But mind readers learn to read what a person is thinking by listening to the tonal modulation of background noises of your power supply in the background or to your appliances like your refrigerator humming away to a tune of what you are thinking.

But you might say, come off it, my refrigerator knows what I am thinking. How can that be. They can because you are wired to your living space. Your house is packed with electromagnetic energy from the power supply in your home. You pass current down a wire and you get a magnetic field as a bonus in return. That magnetic field is all over your house. You are a ball of energy, from the proton and electrons in your cells and your body. You are buzzing with that same energy that is going through your power supply lines, but just less intensely.

You couple yourself to this extended energy field in your home. On top of this extended artificial magnetic field of your power supply you have all the natural energy fields in your home – gravitational, natural electromagnetic fields and the weak and strong forces of the atoms in the air like the oxygen and nitrogen molecules. These oxygen molecules you breathe also have magnetic fields. You breathe them into your body and that also links you to everything else. Both the natural and the enhanced natural energies like your radio signals, your WI-FI which are microwave signals are also all passing through you and is also connected to your power supply and all your household appliances.

You are completely wired to your surroundings. And what has all this got to do with one’s thinking? Some of your thinking is self-talk – “speak thinking”. When you think you have to also silently speak what you are thinking to have to think at all. This is an anomaly in you. You will find that when you try and break this link between thinking and self-talk – you cannot think anymore. Your mind becomes silent. Meditation uses a mantra as a distraction to break this link between self-talk and thinking. Meditation is meant to give you a rest from thinking and induce a complete blackout in the mind to give one a rest from one’s own mind and especially of psychological thinking which is a self-talk kind of thinking. Observation and awareness of the mind has no self-talk in it and is a sanctuary in these modern times from another not knowing what you are thinking.

The advent of the silent mind is the future and the beginning of the next root race.

Fundamental interaction – Wikipedia


The public is being unwittingly exposed to airborne ultrasound, according to new research.

Scientists at the University of Southampton found increasing exposure in railway stations, museums, libraries, schools and sports stadiums, in which complaints of nausea, dizziness, migraine, fatigue and tinnitus have previously been reported.

Ultrasound, sound waves with frequencies higher than the upper audible limit of human hearing, can be generated in public places from a number of sources including loudspeakers, door sensors and public address systems.

 What they have not looked into is how the increase in ultrasound levels allows us to see how we are wired to our surroundings and how our thinking is being exposed via “speak thinking”.  We only have to look at this problem by using an ultrasound microphone, pass it through an amplifier and play it loud enough so you can hear it through a speaker and observe how you are wired to your home and how your thinking is reflected in what you hear.  Translating tonal modulations is like learning a new language.  
 The amount of ultrasound in your home will also depend on how it is connected to its external infrastructure.  How it is connected to your telegraph poles and your internet line.  If the lines outside are connected to yours via the other homes looking like an aerial, then an aerial is what it is and it will bring in radio signals into your access point and then to the rest of your wiring system in your home. These signals will generate more ultrasound in your living space.  The ultrasound in the air will be able to influence your thoughts and hence your thinking and also your perception. So are you sure your thoughts are your own?  The Funtenna hack is a hack that uses coded radio signals to cause your appliances in your home to vibrate to a tune.  These signals come in through your telephone lines and pass your access point and into your household wiring to create specific sounds and modulated ultrasound and create a premeditated assault on your mind.  It would help if you can understand what is happening and this can only be done by amplification of the background noise in your living space.  If you hear it then you know what it is and if you don’t hear it then you become it unknowingly.
Today, you are living in a modern technological environment with Funtenna hacks and Artificial Intelligence and your living space is transforming into a living space for the future where your mind is to be incorporated into the infrastructure, where education will be 24/7 directly into your mind, and where a phone call will be made without a gadget in your hand, where your thinking will be heard and silence in mind will be the norm.   Everybody will be wired into the infrastructure.  A massive energy hub of a city coupled to the mindbody and your soul. Transformation and the advent of the next Root Race.
Earth, at night
 Houston, Texas at night
London, England at night

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