The Brain: It Is So AI

Initially I thought – what is this “automata theory” and probability for NLP? Looking up it said:Each state has information about what to do when an input is received by the machine (again, rather like what to do when you land on the Jail spot in a popular board game). As the machine receives a new input, it looks at the state and picks a new spot based on the information on what to do when it receives that input at that state. When there are no more inputs, the automaton stops and the space it is on when it completes determines whether the automaton accepts or rejects that particular set of inputs.

It is AI and machine language for programing for computers. They try and make the machine think for itself by making the machine think like our thinking brain.

This theory of automata and machine language is a good example of that. The mind has observed itself and it is using that information and creating a theory for artificial intelligence. But the magic in this invention is that the machine and AI is taking the process where no mind has gone and that is to find the “new” in you that the mind cannot do because of its limitations of only being able to do itself.

This is where the probability part of the question above comes in. It takes chance and play and probability into its equation to try and find something new that the mind could not see and make, because of its limitations of only being able to work off its past in you.

I discovered this long time ago, experientially when I started painting. I start with chance and play and probability to see if I can chance it do get something new in the form and structure in my paintings. But in my mind, the pop-up idea (probability idea) has already sparked up the creative imagination and it creates passion and energy to want to manifest it. But this probability occurrence only happens when the mind is silent.

Whatever you manifest is nothing like the magic of the process in the mind and to see how it works, but ART can show you the pattern – to a certain extent or as far as the limited mind will allow it to happen. But chance and probability and play and a mistake (a chance occurring) is where the “new” is downloaded from the infinite repository of spacetime.

Artificial intelligence is created by a mind with its limitations but it is designed to go beyond the mind. It is designed to find the “new” in you, something your thinking mind cannot do. Only a silent mind can see the “what is” in reality and the “what is” in the Truth of things in the infinite world of everything.

All this is experiential and not learned and is embedded in me by the processes of observation and making ART and observing my mind. Only a silent mind can see everything. “Speaking Thinking” can help you silence your mind.

It becomes like this when I am silent with no noise in my mind and I am only observing and not thinking too much. It just takes in information and processes it for storage. It works automatically. When I start to think, and that is when I start to speak what I am thinking, to have to think at all. This is when my mind is starting to process the information. It is making that observation into something. It is using that information and making a decision based on that information.

No decisions are made when it is only being aware of the surroundings. Decisions are only made when the self-talk starts which is thinking. I called this “speak thinking” when I observed this one day. When I think I have to speak what I am thinking to have to think at all. If I don’t speak what I am thinking then I cannot think. It is as simple as that. I got used to this feeling inside me. When I am making things up about things I have gathered in my brain during the observation stage, I realised that I am also silently speaking what I am thinking.

You see I believe that the mind has its limitations and that it can only do itself. To find something “new”, the mind has to stop and be silent and wait for it to appear from perhaps a quantum level where everything exists. Artificial Intelligence can do this better I think.  To kick up something new. It does not have that emotional side to deal with and all the noise in the mind from anxiety and living.

Brain manifesting a probability from spacetime or from consciousness. If you think about it, it is the only place from where the “new” can appear, as everything in your thinking brain is already in the past. Nothing new there. The “voice of silence” is where the “new” comes from.

If the brain wants to learn to see the “new” in you, it has got to learn to be more like the computer.  Learn to be more unthinking and only when it is called upon to do so and when it is necessary. It has got to learn to be silent in mind.

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