The Making of An Avatar

and an Artist.

How, What and WHY?

Ed Dames – Remote Viewing

1 making of an avatar


2 making of an avatar

3 making of an avatar

4 making of an avatar

5 making of an avatar


YouhavetofindthatspaceyourselfBut!IthinktechnologytodaycanalsohelpyoufinditItcanbea triggertotakingyouintothatspacejusttoforceyourmindintothatspacesoyouknowwhatthat spacefeelslike-thatisthemostdifficultpartGettingatasteofthatspaceOnceyoutasteditthenitis alluptoyoutofindtherestThatiswhatanartistisallaboutremoteviewingisallaboutone-pointednesscreativityisremoteviewingItisaboutbeinginanartiststudioandmakingArt.

My experience with the arts is this: it is like rapid reading but with a difference.  You put a paragraph together and then join all the sentences together.  Remove all the dots and now try and make sense of the paragraph.  You immediately give up your thinking mind to do this.  Now you are looking from a broader perspective, from the unknown to the known.  You rapid read each like just picking one word that catches the eye.  You are scanning each sentence quiet fast.  At the end of the paragraph you would have some sense of what it is about, but you want a better picture. You go back to the 1st sentence and scan again now picking up 2 words in each line to make better sense of what the paragraph is about. Then back and forth and here and there and across and under, to and fro, up and down, looking not from your thinking mind initially, but from a broader perspective. You are looking from another space and writing from another space, until the thinking mind gradually comes in as it makes sense of the paragraph.  As Ed Dames says: it is like painting an oil painting, you build it in layers, initially the image is unclear, until finally when the painting is done, the image is clear.  The thinking mind does not deal with the Truth, except for the 1st few seconds, as time plays its part to corrupt the initial insight.   Imagination turns over the initial input to make something unreal from the real.  You are looking from another space, another place in mind, where the mind is refreshed or reloaded after a few seconds, not allowing the thinking mind to make something else of the initial entity you “see”.  I am not saying that the thinking mind has not got its part to play in all of this, but the Truth in its purest form exits only in the first few seconds.  To find out what exists in the future, you have to initially pick up the pattern that the unconscious/subconscious mind sees and the thinking mind would slowly put it together.  That is if you remain true to the initial pattern and not make something else out of it.  Then you see what is ahead of you that is already in existence but yet to be played out.  

Art can help you find this pattern.

siri making waves


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