
According to the mystics the mind has no place to settle into. It does its job and disappears. They even gave this kind of thing a name: noumenon as to a phenomenon that is tangible via the 5 senses. So you will never be able to see it let alone give it a place where it operates. 

 Modern science seems to collaborate with this phenomenon with Giulio Tononi’s “integrated information theory”. 

Rupert Sheldrake and his morphogenetic fields suggests subtle fields outside the body controls what happens in the body: 

Hence can we find out by direct encounter of the self with its environment if the mind is in the brain or outside of it. 

The mind has to sit a certain way and the brain silent of thoughts to manege this direct encounter. We need to to place the Absolute in the big picture – that energy field that is maintaining the order in the universe and keeping all the planets in a specific trajectory. Now where is that located. Then there is us energy field connected to all the above – making one big great united energy field and all operating together as if we are connected to everything and anything. To find if the mind is inside or outside the brain is not going to be easy because there is a lot to discover before we can come to find the place where the mind resides.

I sense because of the way we live and the bell curve distribution curve is right – we are all mostly at the self-talk thinking body-mind stage:

They even have a name for those who have stepped out of the body-mind self-talking thinking phase and who’s mind can be either here, with the body or there and one with the Cosmic Mind – Tathagata’s. I am not making this up you know. The self-talking thinking mind can step out of itself and experience the other minds spaces that you might have.

It has been suggested in the past that we only use 10 percent of our brains/minds. I can see that if we are using only the body-mind to think and not go beyond this standard form of thinking then it probably is only 10% of our brains for thinking. But what if we find a way to ALSO stream from the Cosmic-mind via silence in the body-mind – then this is really going to add the %age for the use of the brain. If stream-thinking with the Cosmic mind and its repository is valid and you are a Tathagata shuffling between the 2 sides of the brain to increase your brain power and essentially having 2-mind-thinking for you then you are of that world and this world and that-mind and this-mind.

Think about it – this is really going to add power to your thinking and increasing the %age of your brain use. I wonder what powers come with this sense of active beingness in both zones.

The experience comes first and the science explains it later. Hence one has to be steadfast if you are certain that your mind is evolving and becoming greater and bigger and more holistic. You are not going to get support from the ordinary and might fall back to the standard model due to discord. Specials are not created because they are part of the majority. They are found at the end of the evolutionary process of the mind and not in the middle of the normal distribution pattern of the bell curve. Insight causes the bell curve to move down the hill. The trigger for insight might come from many places and one should consider persistent insight urges might be coming from past lives as your experiential mind is eternal and not of the body and never dies: 

Even what the science cannot see in how quantum particles work they are starting to make headway in trying to understand Quantum Coherence and Quantum Entanglement.

This is where waves with the same type and phase and frequencies meet and amplify as they meet, creating amplified standing waves in the living spaces. Remember that all our living spaces are made comfortable by technology from your power grid all the way down to your home generating transmitters in all its electronic parts and your wifi and radio signals which these days can be coded to modulate the spoken word into tonal modulations as they use your appliances as unintended aerials to decode the hidden subliminals in the radio signals. Finding the Truth in the 21 century is challenging and frontline thinking using its experiential repository is no more enough to give the complete picture so one can decide. One must understand the mind spaces better to make better decisions, to access the natural world and its laws as the city and its infrastructure has other plans for our minds. We need to know what is what and if this is that – is it a natural insight or one made by numbers 0 and 1. There is now a local synthetic consciousness that is competing with the natural law of the Universe.

The mind is a disordered aspect of nature. A disordered mind cannot create an ordered society. You create a set of tath’s and you create an ordered mind that will become a game changer for the next phase.  Tathagata specials have to make their presence felt in world governments.  They will bring about a unified world as they themselves are one with the universe and of this mind and that mind.

The change is going to come from within and self discovery and learnt knowledge as this is the 21st century with lots of information about the self can be used to understand, but it is the direct encounter of the Truth that is going to save us not just self-talk thinking of the body-mind with its limited experiences.

Rupert Sheldrake in the video above, to me, is a modern mystic with a Phd and Cambridge University behind him. The modern mystics are an extension of those who in the past started in the caves around the world. There is a kind of transformation taking place around the world where for some reason people are starting to ask what are the powers latent in us that we do not know about.

From the cross-legged mystic to the modern mystical scientist – all same thing.

The answer is right in front of us as a direct encounter will show you what it is and we are now in a place where science is starting to also help us understand our full potential.


From verbal thinking to an all knowing sense of being of the direct encounter.


The brain becomes silent of thoughts as the action of Truth interacts with the body’s conscious awareness.

 The mind disappears in deep meditation. Why have you lost consciousness in deep meditation? Maybe perhaps because it is not there anymore and so is the mind inside or outside the brain?


The evolution to the next Root Race via the mind?:

11th August 2019

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