Why do we need seek knowledge when we are already given wisdom?

You have to come to wisdom. It operates from another mind in you.

Thinking comes from different minds in you. Body-mind is as you understand it. It has many limitations. It is experiential in nature. It is knowledge based. It can create only off its experiences or off its past in you. Whatever it creates using the body-mind is a lie in you or an illusion. You take an observation from your 5 senses and spin a lie with it and you have a tendency to make the result a fact or true but you just made it up.

There are natural laws that keeps the planets in place. These are Truths outside and inside of you. You are part of the manifestation of those natural laws:

Everything in the Universal-mind/Absolute/Truth, is a fact, even though Elon Musk has a Tesla car in it heading towards Mars. Its repository contains only facts. Everything in it is True. You don’t need to think things out from the repository of the universal mind – They just download onto your mind and you just know the answers to your questions. No thinking as in the lower body-mind is needed. You just know when you stream through the Universal mind. But the shift has to be made from the body-mind to the Universal-mind. The shift won’t come without first cultivating silence in the body-mind. Then soon with practice you will notice a new mind emerging in you. One with body-mind and the other with Universal-Mind. The mind in its entirety is still silent and undisturbed. You have both minds working together, body-mind for your daily practical purposes where you have to silently speak what you are thinking to have to think at all (speak-thinking) or you shift and just download from the repository type of thinking through the Universal-Mind.

I gather that the Buddha once arriving at the stage of enlightenment told people (I gather) that he did not want to be called Buddha anymore but rather a Tathagata: This has many interpretations and one of them is “one who comes and goes”. I like to think it is one who comes and goes in these 2 different states of mind.

You choose:

which world you want to live in: or perhaps BOTH/Tathagata

The all knowing: “he who has attained that world” or still,

“living in this world”.

Body-mind, or


What do you think the future is going to be in terms of people: 2 minds speaking or still 1-mind-amoeba. Who do you think companies are going to hire in the future when they ask you are you 2 mind-speaking and you say – eh!.

Just try and locate that 2nd mind – Its fun trying to find it. Cost you nothing and creates a power-mind in you, and at the end you might even find some disco lights flashing that you might enjoy being in that space.

  1. ‘he who has attained that
  2. world, i.e. emancipation, ‘ applied to Jinas as
  3. opposed to other beings who are called ihagaya
  4. (idhagata), ‘living in this world.’
  5. According to Buddhaghosa the title tathagata is
  6. susceptible of eight interpretations:– http://ccbs.ntu.edu.tw/FULLTEXT/JR-ENG/bert.htm



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