Funtenna Reality, Seriously?

I am really proud of this article. It is as if the serpent has finally seen its tail and now knows what it looks like or a person has finally seen his mind and now knows what are its limitations.
What is a Funtenna hack? It is a hack that uses radio signals to transfer code to a gadget and then uses it to spy on the surroundings. Very interesting hack. What the embedded code does is it starts flipping the power supply at the pins of say the printer in your home and this flipping of the voltage generates a transmitter using the cables and which then transmits information via radio signals which is then intercepted and decoded. The code can also create ultrasound noises and other sounds by making the passive components to vibrate which are then played out and can act as subliminals in your home.
Remember that this code is transferred to your computer or printer or the appliances in your home, the power supply, your phone etc VIA A RADIO SIGNAL that is coming from outside your living space. Usually a listening device needs to be installed in the living space to act as a transmitter. This hack just converts everything and anything into a transmitter in your living space using a radio signal. Just like the signals that bring music from radio stations to your homes. It is the ultimate invasion of privacy and I will show you why it might even have embedded information about what you are thinking.
This video, watch it before it disappears, as all others about it I noticed have disappeared:





















Actually, all this is already in play in every household. It is very easy to confirm yourself what this video says. Take that part
at 2:25 minutes about switching on the microphone on the phone (i think he mentioned switching the input/output ports). What he meant was just switching on the handsfree on the phone on without you knowing and without having the led light come on. When this happens, the microphone now on just completes the induction loop system that is your home. Now all your conversations are reflected in the magnetic modulations in the wiring in your home. All converted to FR signals etc and software radio will pick this up. But more so is that all the buzzes and pings and white noise sounds in your living space will modulate to your thinking, with that microphone in your phone switched on. Hence your thinking can be known by anybody who is listening or anybody who knows how to read tonal modulations. It is like learning a new language and with time you should be able to listen to your thinking in all the appliances around your home. But that is what they are doing now.
If there is such a thing as the funtenna software then they will get them downloaded via either your phone line or your internet line. In some cases they are both the same line. If you want to hear this signal coming into your home to switch on the handsfree for a listen in, you can do this by attaching an induction loop receiver to the access point for your phone line. You only need to tape it to the access point gadget – it will pick up the magnetic fluctuations from the phone access point. You can run this to your computer line in if you want too and sit and wait. You will hear a click and then the handsfree tone will come on. if at this point you immediately pick up the receiver – you will see the led light up. That is how I knew that they were lifting the receiver by just using a radio signal. What they are really doing is listening to the tonal modulations of the phone that lingers on after the microphone is switched on to listen to what you are thinking because of “speak thinking” and that is you have to always silently have to speak what you are thinking to have to think at all, especialy so if you were writing an e-mail say, the contents can be known by just istening to tonal modulations. Your body’s magnetic modulations gets embedded into the surrounding area and gets incorporated into the soundscape of your living space especially the buzz of the ac power supply. Now when they want a good clear signal to listen too they would dump radio frequencies down your home using the array of telephone lines outside your home that will make things a lot louder in your home. You will be able to har your computer fan screaming at you more so than usualy etc. I always wondered why that was so? as these radio signals make themselves pass the fan via the power supply lines.
You know there is a mobile phone version of this whole concept when you put together a few of them together in a restaurant say. With social media and some mobile phone apps many strangers can come together to have their phone switched on to play exactly the same game as above to follow a particular person in a crowd. Many of these shanaigance when sound is involved and with a curious mind and some awareness you can find the pattern. What you need to find a workaround on is that what they want to know is what are you thinking. Since you know that you have to silent have to speak what you are thinking to have to think at all – just for now, you have to learn to remain silent in mind. Give them something to listen too when the microphone is switched on – make sure it is something really boring. Better still put it close to the microphone in your phone. Monitor your access point throughout the day and when the signal comes in lift the receiver and place it back as this will cut off their connection too.

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