Artificial Intelligence is You

when the noise in your mind stops.  That is how Artificial Intelligence (AI) seems to work.  I came across this article that says Deepmind’s AI program for chess beats a chess master at his game – 4 games to 1.

So here they have a algorithm that learns by itself and watches its opponent and makes up its next move accordingly.

During the second game, AlphaGo played a move – move 37 – which left everyone watching, from the audience to the Go Grandmasters, scratching their heads. No one could understand the thinking behind it. Yet as the game unfolded it became clear that the computer had devised a winning strategy that had never been seen before in the game’s 2,500 year history.
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Look, this is a machine that has no noise of psychological thinking, in its mind.  It is written to be silent and it just listens and watches you.  In that 100% silence, and speed of computing, it creates the new in itself and comes out tops.  It does not have the limitations of the human mind.  It just computes and moves on, from moment to moment.

What is the difference between:





and this block diagram of the mind in silence:














When the mind is silent, when thinking has stopped, the mind is like that deepmind computer.  It is primed and ready for the new to show itself.  A mind in silence is Artificial Intelligence at work.  There is a biological alternative to AI and that is you when your mind is silent.  It learns by just observation and the information it gets can come from the ether that is not part of the repository of the known or of the past of things.

It looks like while the biological mind is still living with its limitations perhaps a Deepmind computer can help us see the new in the Truth of Things that we will not be able to see until the evolution of the mind is complete.

This is how the “new” will look to a biological mind with its limitations when the Deepmind computer made a chess move that they did not understand:

During the second game, AlphaGo played a move – move 37 – which left everyone watching, from the audience to the Go Grandmasters, scratching their heads.

And they were scratching their heads not because they had itchy scalp.  It is because they could not see it.  They were looking with their past in mind and that move the program made was not in their past of chess moves.

No one could understand the thinking behind it. Yet as the game unfolded it became clear that the computer had devised a winning strategy that had never been seen before in the game’s 2,500 year history.

The machine had found a move that was 10 years away:

That match ended in a historic 4-1 victory for the computer, a feat which many artificial intelligence experts had thought was 10 years away.

Now if that was not something “new” in you, then just tell me what is “new”.  That is why everything on earth with the limitations of the biological thinking mind, moves at a snail’s pace.

The concept of “new” and progress is very real and if you don’t get there before others, don’t go looking for blame in others as to why you were left behind.  Don’t raise the nationalistic flag, and make stronger borders, or blame it on this or that, because the hero’s in this drive to be silent in mind, and action in mind only when needed, ain’t waiting for you to catch up.  In the meantime, The Machine, will show us what is “new” until the biological mind catches up.

Stop “speak thinking” and the mind immediately becomes silent.  It is what stops thinking in the mind.  What? you want something simpler than this. Are you nuts! Just stop silently speaking what you are thinking and thinking stops.  It is an anomaly of the mind to have to silently have to speak what you are thinking to have to think at all.  You break that link and the mind becomes silent and observation takes over and you wait for the “new” in you to show itself as a pop-up in your mind, and when it does, “speak thinking starts up again, and you try to make something of that “new” observation/pop-up-in-mind and the cycle repeats itself.  If there is no space or time for silence in your mind as an everyday activity then there is no connection with the Natural Intelligence of the Cosmos.

Leave psychological thinking behind – it has no place in tomorrow’s mind. Without psychological thinking there is no left or right or this and that in the mind: there is only the supercomputer of the natural intelligence of the universe and “choiceless” awareness – where you only observe but don’t choose – at your disposal for your use and to connect too. 

It is the Natural Intelligence (NI) of the Cosmos versus the Artificial Intelligence of the Machine.  Remember that it would have been the NI of some enlightened ones to have created AI in the first place, to show you how the natural self actually works best.

Listen to the sound of silence for your solutions and not thinking. Look towards transformation rather than being embedded in your past in mind.  Transformation is a one-world-one-mind-one-government and not a fragmented world that we live in today. Computer says: a one-world-one-mind-one-government will be “new”. 

Leave it to the Machine to make its next move:

Kalichakra – mind without time, free of its limitations of thinking, to find the “new” in you.

kalichakra, oil on linen, 196cm x 131cm, 2011

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