Perils At The Edge of Perception

painting perils

When you finally make it to the edge you are having to deal with the invisible.  You are starting to make sense of some things without using your ear. To see the invisible is a whole body and mind experience.  If you don’t see it, it does not mean it is not there.

How can one be so sure about a subject matter but not be so sure about thyself first.

Initially perception at the edge of the 5 sensors can be confusing as you are introduced to a new set of stimuli. At the 20 Hz or 20 kilo hertz frequencies of a hearing pressure wave there is nothing but possibly just a modulated tone in your head.  The visible spectrum also has its edges.  Much of the EM spectrum is invisible – if you don’t see it does not mean it is not there.  It still permeates your body and your body does react to it.  It has been suggest through research that repeat regular patterned high frequency microwaves for instants will alter the permeability of our cell membranes as a defence mechanism.  It reduces the permeability of the cell membranes hence preventing food from entering the cells and stopping toxins leaving the cells for the liver and kidney to process.  Your wifi are 2.4 Ghz and can also be 5 Ghz at times coming out of your router.

electromagnetic spectrum: 2.4 Ghz and 5 Ghz is in the microwave window.

em spectrum

Then you have what is called “Speak Thinking” 2 words I coined and patented for use in this website.  It is a mind body thing where you silently speak what you think.  If you cannot silently speak what you are thinking, you literally are forced to stop thinking.  So you see now how one could have access into your mind to know what you are thinking if they get to listen to what you are silently speaking when you are thinking.  When you silently speak while thinking, your vocal cords are working regular as if you were speaking loudly.  When this happens during thinking your breath is modulated by your vocal cords and your thoracic cavity will sound like a boom box and can be heard if you get close enough.

em speak thinking




“speak thinking”: Just one of those things where you silently speak what you think.  Your thinking can be easily known with the right tools and there is nothing high tech. about them.

speak thinking website edge


It all depends on how you record them.  Standard microphones are not powerful enough and limited in range to be used remotely.  But an ultrasound microphone will be able to record a bat a few hundred feet above you as they migrate back to their homes in the evenings. Hence trying to pick up ultrasound activity around the home or up and about in your daily activity, in your offices etc is a doodle.  You breathing generates a lot of ultrasound and if it is modulated by your thinking (speak thinking) then ultrasound will capture what you are thinking.  Look at this: all i was doing was breathing and thinking jack and jill, and twinkle twinkle little star and I counted from 1 to 20.  Look at this and by the way your keyboard generates ultrasound with each stroke and hence all your pass words, bank accounts etc are all vulnerable if a hacker is listening.  And I don’t have to remind you that an ultrasound modulated signal in your space will not be heard by your ear but it will GET into mind and becoming your thinking process.  How do you know if your thinking is your own with this.  Look at this:

This is an ultrasound recording using a batscan software. you can click on images to magnify to read.

recording ultrasound speak thinking 27 jan 2016

recording ultrasound speak thinking audacity 27 jan 2016



Keyboard logging using an ultrasound microphone

recording ultrasound microphone keyboard logging 27 jan 2016

Notice that all the key strokes have a certain “personality” and it will take an algorithm to decode it.  Your mind the same.  You have a certain personality.  You thinking has a certain tone.  The new world order forward monitors everything.  Today is 2016, collecting mass data has already become law.  Monitoring your mind is hardly science fiction today.  I realised through painting that it is just at all possible that my ideas were not my own by today’s technological standards.  Hacking of the mind is possible today.  It is a 2 way process of inserting thoughts into your mind to alter your thinking or to listen to your mind to know what you are thinking through your breathing via ultrasound, or listening to the tone of your thoracic cavity via a future technology or perhaps even one in existence today that we don’t know about.

It is just a coincidence that newspapers and the government are starting to pay attention to the unseen and the causes of the unseen.  Thee only reason I can see that this is happening is that there might be something in the air that most of us has not seen yet.  But perception at the edge needs a different way of seeing.  You need to get to the edge first to see the unseen.  So there is a kind of inner transformation and perhaps a spiritual experience to be able to feel the unseen, may it be radio frequencies or sound that is outside the audible range like Ultrasound for instance.

The hidden world of ultrasound:


This is an ultrasound noise recorded by an ultrasound microphone from a CFL bulb.  A fluorescent long tube will also emit ultrasound as so will a Led bulb – all at different intensities. How this works is it records an unheard ultrasound signal and then drop it to the audible range so you can hear it.  So it is like hearing the unheard.

ultrasound from CFL bulb

So this is what it sounds like:


So what and why is the Royal society saying all this now. It is saying that it

Are some people suffering as a result of increasing mass exposure of the public to ultrasound in air?

It causes:

“……and a range of subjective effects (nausea, dizziness, migraine, fatigue, tinnitus and ‘pressure in the ears)’

Are some people suffering as a result of increasing mass exposure of the public to ultrasound in air?

It is present in public buildings, supermarkets, train stations, Hospitals etc.  How will you know that it is there; well you have seen the symptoms above but one thing you won’t miss when it is up and about is that there is the increase of the sound of Tinnitus in your ears/head and when the pressure of this high frequency sound is high you will feel the pressure in your ears.  Of course you can get all the other symptoms mentioned above but those can come from other sources.  Tinnitus and pressure in the ears won’t in all probability be from eating a bad apple.

But come on Mr. Royal society, come clean, tell us why are you telling all this now.  Not because you are concern that we have some tinnitus in our ears, right?  You are telling us all this because you very well know that people are being mass harassed in many countries these days and more in the developed ones due to silent sound harassment via ultrasound which is a cheap alternative to Voice-to-skull which is caused by radio frequencies.

Mr Royal Society if you have any ding dong’s in that pants of yours come out and say it that modulated ultrasound is being increasingly used to monitor and harass people 24/7 and is part of a new world order surveillance tactic to mass control world population as the worlds peoples start to grow.

You pump ultrasound into a space/room like you do in that levitating chamber in the above video and you modulate it and you have a silent sound harassment tool that permeates the airwaves and people get spooked by the silent sound voices that you hear.

Of course this is open source information but it is happening on a mass scale coming out of public buildings and out of homes all over the city.  It is the poor man’s voice-to-skull that can be done just from a simple ultrasound speaker that can be situated anyway and it will work its way through the crevices and speak mid air as if the speaker was in the space itself that you are in.  You will not know where it came from as ultrasound only becomes audible when it opens up in the air and you hear it when the frequencies expand into the audible range.


The danger of the above technique is that when you play in low volume and tune it in it can come to you unawares but for the tinnitus in your ears and it can trigger thinking in your mind without you hearing a sound and you might think that thought is yours but it is not as it was sent to you.  To be able to control your thoughts is no small matter.  It can slip in unnoticed by you into your mind.  How do you know if your thinking is your own?

look at one I did earlier.  The modulation was just a simple “hello” repeat.  But if you listen to the end of the recording you will see I had a visitor.  Monitoring your airways is an important matter in this new century.  Mind control is coming in, in a big way, into your living space.  You need to know how this works to counter the problem.  An innovation is ok but one needs to know how it is going to effect the population before you put it out there with us, the population of earth home.  The mind and body has no firewalls.  Your computer is better protected than your mind.  There is easy access to your mind via your 5 sensors.  For an incoming stimulus the only solution is awareness of your thoughts and put an end to psychological thinking (unnecessary thoughts) that can be triggered by rogue signals.  The other option is to disrupt the signal itself or trap the signal, amplify it and play it aloud in real-time to deter the perpetrator since now the rogue signal can be heard.

click on image to expand image

ultrasound hello

Other ways to stop this.  Well as easy as when it is started it can also go away.  Just play loud noise music.  You see they are all pressure waves in the air.  You just find a way to disrupt that pressure wave. It is not as if it is a radio signal.  It is more difficult to disrupt a radio signal as you need to know the exact nature of the radio signal to disrupt it, but with a pressure wave in the air you just wash it down as it is a mechanical process. Scramble the ultrasound in the air.  Turn it up down and mix it up.  You can circulate the air in your room with a fan.  The other is to circulate the air with 2 suction fans on opposite walls to your room to bring in fresh air and take out stale air.  If you know how it is created then you can disrupt it.  An air-conditioner can help as it recycles air but the hum of the air conditioner can act like white noise and it can actually amplify the silent subliminal by what is called “Stochastic Resonance”.

There is some literature on the net saying that you can use “white noise” to disrupt ultrasound but there is the problem of “Stochastic Resonance” with this method.  What this is is that white noise is a soup of different  frequencies in the air.  It can act as an amplifier for the rogue signal when it picks up the relevant matching frequency and is amplified hence increasing its audibility. Like this:

white noise amplifying signal stochastic resonance

sound pressure


sound is a pressure wave.




Its not long now, “with the internet of things” where all the gadgets will be connected to your home via wifi all the above can be control remotely through a smart phone.

Seriously, tell me honestly, how do you know that your ideas are your own. It might be airborne on its way to you. The new world 21 century city will be all connected and that includes your mind.  It will transform education, you will have a permanent  guardian by our side taking good care of you, it will do away with the mobile phone as you will be connected to everything and don’t need a mobile phone to make a call but rather communicate telepathically (ultrasound/v2k) via signals coming from your street lamps.  Your streets will be electronically paved and you cars driverless (already here), and … world order, where resources are shared. There will be no borders but for the perimeter of the earth as there will be only one country and that is planet earth with one government.

internet of things

The Internet of Things (IoT) is the network of physical objects, devices, vehicles, buildings and other items which are embedded with electronics, software, sensors, and network connectivity, which enables these objects to collect and exchange data.[1] The Internet of Things allows objects to be sensed and controlled remotely across existing network infrastructure,[2] creating opportunities for more-direct integration between the physical world and computer-based systems, and resulting in improved efficiency, accuracy and economic benefit;[3][4][5][6][7][8] when IoT is augmented with sensors and actuators, the technology becomes an instance of the more general class of cyber-physical systems, which also encompasses technologies such as smart grids,smart homes, intelligent transportation and smart cities. Each thing is uniquely identifiable through its embedded computing system but is able to interoperate within the existing Internetinfrastructure. Experts estimate that the IoT will consist of almost 50 billion objects by 2020.[9]

Internet of things

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